Here is where we learn a little bit about why you may choose to shoot in the Aperture mode.
Many photographers choose to shoot in aperture mode for a two main reasons.
One of them being, there might not be a whole lot of light to work with, so you want as much light coming into the camera as possible. In this case you want to set the Aperture as wide open as possible with the lens you are using (we’ll get to that in another section) and no matter what it will stay as open as wide as possible
The other is that Aperture controls Dept of Field (how much of your image is in sharp focus. I’m sure you have seen professional photos where the subject is in focus and the background is blurry. This blurry background is called BOKEH (bow’-ka) (actually Japanese for Blurry). It brings attention to the subject while taking away the distraction of the background.
Here is an example